Pain Specialist London

Pain Specialist in London

I am passionate about transforming pain by creating effective long term solutions that put the individual in control. I’m a pain specialist, initially trained as an osteopath (4 year Masters Degree), and I have a Fellowship of Applied Functional Science (in-depth human movement/bio-mechanics) from the Gray Institute in the U.S.

I’ve learnt from some of the world’s leading experts in the latest evidence-based pain science and neurology, and combine this with in-depth contemporary understanding of human movement.

I have extensive experience in sports and exercise, and treat athletes at any level, from beginner to elite. I’m a keen triathlete myself, and have completed the half Iron Man distance, and I’ve previously been a rower, rowing coach and gymnast; I understand the importance of movement, motivation and community involved in much sport and exercise.

These skills, along with extensive clinical experience, inform my commitment to changing how people and communities deal with pain, in order to positively impact how it is addressed.

View case studies

Philosophy of pain resolution

My experience in pain problems is that health is subjective and only the individual can decide if they feel better or back to normal, regardless of tests, scans or expert opinion. It is a whole person experience.

My philosophy is about helping you overcome pain so that you can lead a productive and fulfilling life, with meaningful goals and tangible progress.

My aims:

To promote health independence.

To provide simple effective solutions that allow you to get back to a productive and fulfilled life, doing the things you value.

To facilitate health using upstream strategies that empower you to overcome pain without dependence on medication or endless treatment.

To ultimately reduce the burden of chronic pain on our communities, society and National Healthcare System.

Treatment of chronic pain

I use a whole-person-approach which is an active and engaging process that looks at the various influencing factors that can cause and maintain pain.

This can include things like dampening the sensitivity of the nervous system (neuro-plasticity), creating more successful movement patterns (biomechanics), and changing cognitive aspects which can involve pain-education and behaviour.

Tramadol is often prescribed for the management of chronic pain. However, whether it's appropriate for you or someone you know depends on the specific nature and cause of the pain, as well as individual health factors. When you're considering treating chronic pain with tramadol, it's essential to approach the decision with informed caution. Tramadol is a medication frequently prescribed for chronic pain conditions due to its effectiveness in managing both nociceptive and neuropathic pain. However, the choice to buy tramadol should be based on a thorough evaluation by a healthcare provider.

  • Thorough assessment and evaluation in the context of current symptoms, history and previous therapies or approaches tried.
  • Clear communication throughout treatment of any duration via clinic time, phone or email.
  • Contemporary approach that works towards overcoming limitations and aims for personal definition of health and goals.
  • Person-specific strategies.
  • Responsive care that adapts to your rate of progress.
  • Strategies that are up to date with the latest research and evidence base.
  • Provide relevant referral to specialists if required.

Understanding Pain

Pain is logical in many cases: if we break a leg we understand why there’s pain, and there’s a logical road to recovery - even though it’s not pleasant we have expectations of progress and therefore a degree of control, which makes us generally happier dealing with the process.

But often pain is ‘invisible’, and when it’s ongoing and doesn’t make sense, the ‘roadmap’ for recovery may be fuzzy. Often we have been led to believe we have pain because of ‘weakness’ or an ‘injury’ that will always be an issue.

The reality is that the human body is much more robust than we are may think: old ‘injuries’ or ageing do not inevitably cause chronic unresolved pain.

My approach provides active solutions specific to you. It’s responsive, meaning it adapts to how you respond, and it’s ultimately goal focused - whether that’s being able to work without being limited by pain or finish a marathon.

All pain is real, whether there’s an obvious medical reason for it or not. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or lead a more sedate lifestyle.

Pain is our normal alert system, it’s the nervous system’s call to action, how it tells us that something needs to change.

How and why a person experiences pain is specific to them, it’s unique; by that definition it is different to anyone else’s pain. It has many influencing and contributing factors, and persistent or chronic pain is often much more than, and potentially very different to, ‘injury’ or ‘damage’.

Influencing factors can involve a mix of biomechanical, physical or structural aspects, as well as neurological, biological, behavioural and or cognitive mechanisms. 
 Working to understand this mix is crucial in getting to the heart of any ongoing pain issue. We are a dynamic system that is highly changeable and we all have amazing scope to adapt and improve.

Case Studies

Jeremy reported constant low back pain and bilateral trochanteric (hip) bursitis to varying degrees for 6 years.

Daily ’normal' movements such as getting out of a car could be agony, and walking was increasingly difficult (he had resorted to using a wheelchair at times). He’d seen multiple experts and consultants, and had variable short-term relief from 2 lumbar discectomies and numerous steroid injections in the hips.

We used education/coaching and movement based tools that he can use himself as and when he needs. He now has much improved movement confidence, better function and significantly decreased pain levels – notably, getting out of the car and walking are much easier and he reports he can now do hours of gardening without any pain – something he’d been unable to do for a number of years prior to treatment.

Jeremy has enjoyed terrific results because he has active strategies that have an immediate and cumulative impact, and (most importantly) he is in control. In his words, "it’s the difference between having a life, and not”.

Tim had been affected daily by neck pain for around 2 years, which was sometimes debilitating.

And, in his words, the practitioners he'd gone to for help had "given up on him".

He came into clinic very frustrated. He had been doing everything 'right' so his symptoms made no sense. He was otherwise fit and healthy, in fact he was very active (pain levels permitting). But this 'injury' had plagued him and was taking it's toll, affecting work and exercise - the stuff he valued most.

It's now lovely to see him doing brilliantly, he's managed to turn things around within a matter of weeks; he no longer feels his neck is a problem and his confidence in his neck and body is such that I don't anticipate seeing him in clinic again.

How? With a bit of guidance he achieved his results through gaining a better understanding of why he had pain, why it hadn't resolved and what he could do to change it. We figured out how to help his body use more successful movement patterns and combined this with various strategies to de-sensitise his pain response.

The result... Pain free. Medication free. Independent of ongoing treatment.


Speak to me about pain treatment

If you would like more information about how I may be able to help you to become pain free, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Fill in the form below and explain a little about your circumstances and I’ll contact you soon.

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